Widecombe Life

Widecombe-in-the-Moor on Dartmoor in Devon UK. A magical place to live. Surrounded by moorland, archaeological remains, wildlife, flora, beautiful scenery - and pretty empty considering how crowded our island is. Lots to talk about on all sorts of levels.

Also worth a look!

  • Widecombe-in-the-Moor
  • Widecombe Fair
  • Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust
  • Monday, April 27, 2020

    New vocabulary: Self-isolation, social distancing and lockdown

    What a difference a couple of months and a minuscule virus make! Here we are on Dartmoor. It has never been so quiet and peaceful with virtually no traffic other than the usual farmers rushing around and locals on their food shopping run.
    And the skies are clear of aeroplanes as well, with just an occasional helicopter to remind us that the world is still out there.
    At least I can walk the dog on the moor close to our home and enjoy the lovely weather (for now at least) and the solitude. I do feel sorry for those in flats and built-up areas with little or no outside space.
    We must accentuate the positives amongst all the bad news. It will be a while before life returns to normal. Will it ever, given that we must tackle the climate emergency as well?

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