Widecombe Life

Widecombe-in-the-Moor on Dartmoor in Devon UK. A magical place to live. Surrounded by moorland, archaeological remains, wildlife, flora, beautiful scenery - and pretty empty considering how crowded our island is. Lots to talk about on all sorts of levels.

Also worth a look!

  • Widecombe-in-the-Moor
  • Widecombe Fair
  • Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust
  • Saturday, June 18, 2005

    Dartmoor Is So Peaceful

    I thought last night, as I often do, how peaceful it is here. It is one of the main attractions. Yes, you hear the odd car (or tractor), but especially in the evening the only sounds are natural - birds, cows, ponies etc. Even aeroplanes are a rarity, a blessing in this day and age.
    You get quite attached to the birds - a whole blog in itself. This time of year (midsummer) there is a bird that starts its song at 3.30 a.m. It's a challenge to keep sleeping especially if you are a light sleeper like me.
    But to get back to the peace - what a rarity to have no background traffic drone. The main thing is - we really appreciate it. It's rarely mentioned but is always there and invaluable.
    And today is really warm and sunny - so back outside (even the visitors head for the coast when it's really hot, so daytime traffic is quiet today).
    Have fun whatever you are doing.


    Blogger torwalker said...

    This is four years later and I stood outside tonight and thought exactly the same thing. Some things do not change. The peace is magical - and today after a day of fairly heavy rain even the birds are quiet - gone to bed early.

    9:02 PM  

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