Widecombe Life

Widecombe-in-the-Moor on Dartmoor in Devon UK. A magical place to live. Surrounded by moorland, archaeological remains, wildlife, flora, beautiful scenery - and pretty empty considering how crowded our island is. Lots to talk about on all sorts of levels.

Also worth a look!

  • Widecombe-in-the-Moor
  • Widecombe Fair
  • Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust
  • Friday, June 24, 2005

    On Dartmoor Animals Roam Free

    Yes, it's true. Within the area of the commons or open moorland, farmers have a right to allow their animals to roam free, within certain quotas - in fact there is also payment made to farmers for them to keep some animals off the moor so that the total can be controlled.
    Ponies, cows and sheep all roam free - and they all have owners.
    It is tempting to feed the ponies but this is not a good idea as it encourages them nearer to the road and accidents are not uncommon. Many animals use the roads to sleep on - they tend to be drier than the grass areas and warmer in winter. The black cows are the hardest to spot when you are driving at night!! In general keep your speed down. I think the 40 mph limit is too high (another blog for this).
    It is one of the wonders of Dartmoor to see the animals free.

    Also on the green at Widecombe they are often to be seen happily grazing. Great photo opportunity!


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