Widecombe Life

Widecombe-in-the-Moor on Dartmoor in Devon UK. A magical place to live. Surrounded by moorland, archaeological remains, wildlife, flora, beautiful scenery - and pretty empty considering how crowded our island is. Lots to talk about on all sorts of levels.

Also worth a look!

  • Widecombe-in-the-Moor
  • Widecombe Fair
  • Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust
  • Friday, June 17, 2005

    Dartmoor Has Its Own Weather System

    Dartmoor is a large granite mass which pushed its way up out of the earth 100 or so million years ago. It is now the first place the Atlantic weather hits as it makes its way from the prevailing south-westerly direction.
    So the last couple of days have been extremely murky. We have sat in permanent low cloud.
    As a result, on a shopping trip to Exeter yesterday, my wife wore sturdy shoes, jeans and fleece against the weather, only to find, on reaching Exeter (20 miles away), that the sun was out and everyone else was walking around in strappy dresses and light sandals (not sure what the correct terms are here).
    You can see, we have our own climate and our own, quite separate, life to everyone else.


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