Widecombe Life

Widecombe-in-the-Moor on Dartmoor in Devon UK. A magical place to live. Surrounded by moorland, archaeological remains, wildlife, flora, beautiful scenery - and pretty empty considering how crowded our island is. Lots to talk about on all sorts of levels.

Also worth a look!

  • Widecombe-in-the-Moor
  • Widecombe Fair
  • Dartmoor Pony Heritage Trust
  • Monday, December 09, 2019

    Climate Emergency

    We've suddenly arrived at an emergency and I am not sure how, or if, we will escape from it. We should have seen it coming but instead it is there in front of us demanding action.
    What can we do? We can each do small things and at a personal level that seems the only option. At least then you are doing something rather than waiting for governments to decide if they can afford it, or even if they believe it.
    So, we have installed some solar panels, and we are also putting in a battery to collect the power that currently goes to waste (or benefits the suppliers of electricity to our neighbours).
    We have also switched to a fully renewable electricity tariff and we are looking at ways of replacing our dependence on oil for heating (e.g. heat pumps).
    I feel guilty every time I go out in the car so an electric car must not be very far off. I could go on, but will leave that for a later post.
    Please comment with your own plans and thoughts. Together we can sort this out.

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